A Simple Linear Regression

Preliminaries Linear Algebra(the concepts of space, vector) Calculus An Introduction to Linear Regression Notations of Linear Regression1 We have already created a simple linear model in the post “An Introduction to Linear Regression”. According to the definition of linearity, we can develop the simplest linear regression model: \[ Y\sim w_1X+w_0\tag{1} \] where the symbol \(\sim\) is read as “is approximately modeled as”. Equation (1) can also be described as “regressing \(Y\) on \(X\)(or \(Y\) onto \(X\))”....

October 11, 2019 · (Last Modification: August 4, 2022) · Anthony Tan

An Introduction to Linear Regression

Preliminariess Linear Algebra(the concepts of space, vector) Calculus What is Linear Regression Linear regression is a basic idea in statistical and machine learning based on the linear combination. And it was usually used to predict some responses to some inputs(predictors). Machine Learning and Statistical Learning Machine learning and statistical learning are similar but have some distinctions. In machine learning, models, regression models, or classification models, are used to predict the outputs of the new incoming inputs....

October 9, 2019 · (Last Modification: April 28, 2022) · Anthony Tan