An Introduction to Probabilistic Generative Models

Preliminaries Probability Bayesian Formular Calculus Probabilistic Generative Models1 The generative model used for making decisions contains an inference step and a decision step: Inference step is to calculate \(\Pr(\mathcal{C}_k|\mathbf{x})\) which means the probability of \(\mathbf{x}\) belonging to the class \(\mathcal{C}_k\) given \(\mathbf{x}\) Decision step is to make a decision based on \(\Pr(\mathcal{C}_k|\mathbf{x})\) which was calculated in step 1 In this post, we just give an introduction and a framework for the probabilistic generative model in classification....

February 20, 2020 · (Last Modification: April 28, 2022) · Anthony Tan